This How-To describes turning the B3 into a time capsule, compatible with OSX lion. The steps are 1) updating netatalk, 2) create a special volume for Time Machine to fill, and 3) to create a mount point.
Updating Netatalk
If your version of netatalk is too old, you may need to update from the unstable repositories. Add unstable repository by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/excito.list. just add at bottom of the file
deb http://b3.update.excito.org vincent main
Then run
apt-get update apt-get install netatalk
Once it's done Lion's Time Machine will see your B3 box in "Select Disk" config and you can backup your Mac to public folder "out of the box".
Creating a time capsule volume
While this step can be skipped, time machine is programmed to fill the entire volume (this means your whole drive!). To prevent this, it is best to create a special partition just for time machine.
1. connect to the B3
You must SSH into the B3 as root DIRECTLY (i.e. not as a regular user). This is because all other user have home dirs in /home and you cannot unmount /home if you log in as a regular user. To allow direct root login, you may need to set "PermitRootLogin yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
2. Prepare
Check if the home partition is unlocked:
lsof | grep home
This command should not give output.
3. Resize the partition
Now, umount the home partition, and resize the ext3 partition. Here I change my 920GB home partition into an 800GB partition. BACKUP your stuff before doing this!!
umount /home resize2fs /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
This may take a long time (> 60 min). If your connection dies in the middle of the operation you are SOL. So maybe let the "at" daemon do it. First type "at now", then you get a prompt. Enter the resize command, enter, control-D to execute. Try this with a simple command first if you never used at.
4. Resize the volume
Now reduce the LVM volume
lvreduce /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
And then create and format the a new partition Code: Select all
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n timemachine bubba
mke2fs -j /dev/bubba/timemachine
Make the new mount point and add an entry in /etc/fstab Code: Select all mkdir /timemachine cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ori echo "/dev/mapper/bubba-timemachine /timemachine ext3 defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab mount -a df -h
This last command should now report the timemachine volume.