HomeAutomation and Tellstick
This guide will help you to install the fantastic software HomeAutomation and the very neat piece of hardware Telldus Tellstick on a B3. The information here is collected from various threads on http://forum.excito.net/.
More about HomeAutomation is found here: karpero.mine.nu/ha/
More about Tellstick is found here: www.telldus.se/
Install Tellstick
- Tellstick not connected to B3
- Logged in as root on B3
1. Install packet for compiling on B3
apt-get install cmake
apt-get install build-essential
2. Install packet needed by Telldus
apt-get install libconfuse-dev libqt4-dev help2man
3. Download the latest software for Tellstick and extract. Use the latest tellstick core found at: http://download.telldus.se/TellStick/Software/telldus-core/.
wget http://download.telldus.se/TellStick/Software/telldus-core/telldus-core-2.0.4.tar.gz
tar xvfz telldus-core-2.0.4.tar.gz
cd telldus-core
4. Build tdtool and rfcmd.
make install
5. Edit the file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf (if not excisting, add the file):
nano /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf
Add the following line:
6. Then run:
rm -f /var/state/telldus-core.conf
7. Insert the Tellstick into B3
8. To add receiver units, edit the file /etc/tellstick.conf
nano /etc/tellstick.conf
Adjust the config file to your receiver units. In this case: 1pcs NEXA NEYCR-1000 and 1pcs NEXA LWMR-210.
deviceNode = "/dev/tellstick" device { id = 1 name = "Office" protocol = "arctech" model = "codeswitch" parameters { house = "112233" unit = "1" } } device { id = 2 name = "Outside" protocol = "arctech" model = "selflearning-dimmer" parameters { house = "445566" unit = "1" } }
Change the parameter "house" to a randomly choosen number. The uniqe numbers will make sure your units do not interfear with other units.
Install HomeAutomation
1. First of all install AT for scheduling on B3.
apt-get install at
2. Remove the user www-data from the files: /etc/cron.deny, /etc/at.deny, /etc/cron.allow and /etc/at.allow files (if they exist).
nano /etc/at.deny
3. Download the latest version of the HomeAutomation software to your PC, karpero.mine.nu/ha/index.php
4. Unzip and place the files into /home/web/HA on your B3.
5. Edit the configuration file /home/web/HA/config_sample_linux.php. Change the search path in the configuration file to:
6. Rename the configuration file config_sample_linux.php to config.ph.
7. HomeAutomation needs the timezone to be set in Appache2. Edit the file php.ini:
nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Change the "date.timezone" accordingly ():
”date.timezone = Europe/Stockholm”
8. Starta om B3 för att php-ändringarna ska ta
9. Installera myPhPAdmin på B3.
apt-get install phpMyAdmin
10. Lägg till en databas för HomeAutomation.
mysqladmin create <välj-databas-namn>
11. Logga in på http://b3/HA/ och följ instruktionerna.
12. För databasen: ange databasnamnet du skapat
12.1. Usr: root
12.2. Psw: ”” (dvs tomt)
Konfigurering av dina enheter i HomeAutomation
1. Logga in via UIt http://b3/HA/
2. Uppdatera enheter från tellstick under menyn ”Enheter”
3. Inlärning av Nexa-enheter från web-UIt :
3.1. Tryck på learn-knappen på NEXA
3.2. Slå på din enhet under menyn Enheter.
3.3. Se till att din enhet blir syncad med Tellsticken.. dvs blinkar.