Tutorials and How-tos/Access Server via SSH

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A good Windows ssh client is Putty, available here: www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.

  1. Download, install and start Putty.
  2. In Putty, type: bubba as host name, and press "Open". If a question about keys appear, press "yes".
  3. At the prompt, log in using your normal Bubba user (root and admin aren't allowed to log in for security reasons). Note that you have to enable "ssh login" for that user, this is done in the web administration interface, click "users".

Logged in via ssh

Now you have a prompt in the Linux shell, with user privileges. You may need root privileges to access some files, to get that, type 'su' and use 'excito' as password. Again, note that this gives full access to the entire file system, you now have the power to mess the entire installation up, requiring a full re-install. Be careful.


Here are some basic examples.

To edit the Debian sources file, type:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

To view the mail error messages, type:

cat /var/log/mail.err