User:Jonas Oestman

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I am jonasbits on the excito forum.

Swedish summary: Första gången jag laddade ner linux var runt 1997, jag valde RedHat för att jag kände att den distron passade mig bäst. Sen har jag följt Fedora genom versionerna, testat gOS (Good OS) men tillslut fastnat för Ubuntu.

English version: The first time I downloaded linux was about 1997. My choice then was the RedHat distro because I feelt it suited my limited skill then. When RedHat started to focus on supporting company server and users I switched to Fedora, the community supported by RedHat. Ubuntu is my choice now, but I have also tested gOS (Good OS) and found it to be very good, now outdated.

My first real addition will try to explain the new webinterface for bubba2, firefly itunes server is now joined by fireplay. --Jonas Oestman 03:11, 14 May 2010 (CEST)